Category Archives: Poetry

#86-Of Thanks and Thanksgiving


As we move into Thanksgiving week-end, I have some thoughts to share with you about the holiday.  You’ll hear some history.  I’ll share some ideas about being thankful as well as some scripture.  And you’ll hear some “thanksgiving” music.  I pray this podcast helps you think about being grateful and to whom to be grateful.


#41-Giveaways, Audiobooks, & Carols #2

lobe & matter

Breaking Dawn – poetry by Regina Puckett

Cyber December is still going on at Narration by George.  Have you gotten your FREE audiobook yet?  If not, some details are on this podcast!  We also take a look at a pair of exciting action novels by Michael Miller.  The Sixth Lobe and its sequel,  Born To Matter, tell the exciting story of a young man with some usual mental abilities.  The poetry of Regina Puckett is also sampled.  And the podcast closes with a look at the Christmas Carol, O Come, O Come Emanuel.

Music in this Podcast:

Links mentioned in this podcast:

The Roman’s Quest Interview – part 2

Anne Baxter-CampbellRomans Quest cover 1DSCF1381-WEBThis week, I conclude my interview with Anne Baxter Campbell and Trish Horner about the latest Narration by George Audio Book release, The Roman’s Quest.  Anne is the author of this very fine novel.  Trish was the narrator for the female characters and the female point-of-view narratives.  In today’s podcast, Anne interviews Trish and me.  We talked about the novel and about the faith in God that is evident throughout and central to the book.  You’ll hear examples of everything mentioned.

Here are the links mentioned in the program:

Helping Hands Press

The Romans Quest

Here Among the Ruins – poetry by Regina Puckett

#25-41 Audiobooks in 41 Days #6

Get Caught ListeningThis is the last of the review of the 41 audio books I have produced since Narration by George has started business.  This week, you’ll hear some poetry, a fantasy, two science fiction excerpts, a western, and a non-fiction book.  Quite a spread of genre’s to enjoy this time.

The links I reference in this podcast are:

All Narration by George podcasts

Tilting at Windmills and Words, by Regina Puckett

The Voice of Aedistamen, by Tony Hilling

The Web Surfer Series: Regineration, by Andrea J. Graham

The Web Surfer Series: The Digital Car, by Travis Perry

Wells Fargo Express: The Desperate Road, by Murray Pura

Alive and Whole: Amputation: Emotional Recovery, by Dee Malchow

#22-41 Audiobooks in 41 Days #3

santa-claus-in-hammock-relaxing-in-tropical-beachWe continue this excursion into the world of audiobooks produced by Narration by George by looking at the next group of books we’ve been featuring on Twitter (@narrationbygeo) and Facebook. Plus there is the announcement of an important new title and a special sale with only a few days left before it expires.  Join me for this review of audiobooks with excerpts that are unique to this podcast!

The links to the books and specials mentioned in this podcast are here:

Alive and Whole: Amputation, Emotional Recovery, by Dee Malchow
My Words Into the Beyond, by Regina Puckett
The Name of the Hawk, Legion, by Murray Pura
Neighbors, New in the Neighborhood, by Patti J. Smith
Non-Prophet Murders, by Becky Wooley
Once Upon a Christmas Eve, by Anne Baxter Campbell
Helping Hands Press store
Christmas in July
The Outlaw Unchained, Bleeding Kansas, by C. Q. Scafidi
The Painted Sky, Rio Oro, by Murray Pura

Don’t forget, this podcast is new every Wednesday. You can subscribe through iTunes to each and every episode.  Click here.

#21-41 Audiobooks in 41 Days #3

11011774_453277944844098_2831709382067220832_nIt’s week #3 for taking a look at a short synopsis and hearing a new sample from each of the audiobooks that I’ve recorded over the last couple of years.  This week, we review a devotional book, a police mystery, some poetry, an action adventure series, and some historical fiction.

I also share some thoughts about the murderous rampage which took place last week in Chattanooga, my adopted home town.

Here are he links for this week’s book selections:

God, Me, & a Cup of Tea, by Michele Huey

Grave Obsessions-Volume 1: Chiseled Heart, by Patti J. Smith

Here Among the Ruins, by Regina Puckett

Knighthawke, by Jerry Mincew

Knighthawke: Vanishing Shadows, by Jerry Minchew

Let Freedom Ring-Volume 1: The Sutler of Petersburg, by Joy Ross Davis

#20-41 Audiobooks in 41 Days #2

Get Caught ListeningLast week we started a celebration of the privilege I’ve had to voice 41 audiobooks over the last couple of years.  I’m continuing this celebration this week with the second installment of this series.  We look and listen to excerpts from seven more audiobooks presented in mostly alphabetical order.  Here are the links for this week’s books:

The Sixth Lobe, by Michael Miller

Born to Matter, by Michael Miller

Breaking Dawn, by Regina Puckett

Colony Zero, Volume 1-Contact, by Travis Perry, Mark Venturini, Mark Carver, Tracy Krauss, Shannon Laws, Grace Yee, and Lisa Godfrees

Concealed in My Heart, by Regina Puckett

Faith and the Law, by James Griffin

Fifth Wheel, Volume 1-Gracies Gift, by Michele Huey

#19-41 Audiobooks in 41 Days

Get Caught ListeningThis week we are celebrating the privilege that I’ve had to voice 41 audiobooks in the last couple of years. If you’ve followed my Facebook or Twitter feeds, you’ll have seen a title: 41 Audiobooks in 41 Days. Each day of the week, I’m featuring a different audiobook – presented largely in alphabetical order. (There are variations for books that are part of a series or a holiday happening. )

In this podcast, I play excerpts from the books which have been featured in the past few days. This is something we’ll do until the 41 Audiobooks in 41 Days ends sometime in August.  I hope you find something that will tickle your ears!!! Enjoy!