Tag Archives: A Mended Heart

#19-41 Audiobooks in 41 Days


Get Caught ListeningThis week we are celebrating the privilege that I’ve had to voice 41 audiobooks in the last couple of years. If you’ve followed my Facebook or Twitter feeds, you’ll have seen a title: 41 Audiobooks in 41 Days. Each day of the week, I’m featuring a different audiobook – presented largely in alphabetical order. (There are variations for books that are part of a series or a holiday happening. )

In this podcast, I play excerpts from the books which have been featured in the past few days. This is something we’ll do until the 41 Audiobooks in 41 Days ends sometime in August.  I hope you find something that will tickle your ears!!! Enjoy!

#8-The Merger of Audio Books & Spiritual Ideas: Devotionals

A Mended Heart

A Mended Heart

God Me & A Cup of Tea cover

God Me & A Cup of Tea

I’ve said that this podcast is dedicated to “audiobooks, spiritual ideas, and other items of interest.”  Today, I start a series of three (I think) podcasts which will highlight the merger of audiobooks and spiritual ideas.  I have recorded two devotional books, A Mended Heart by Patti J. Smith and God, Me and a Cup of Tea by Michele Huey.  In this podcast, I talk about both books and play excerpts from them.