Tag Archives: audio books

#21-41 Audiobooks in 41 Days #3

11011774_453277944844098_2831709382067220832_nIt’s week #3 for taking a look at a short synopsis and hearing a new sample from each of the audiobooks that I’ve recorded over the last couple of years.  This week, we review a devotional book, a police mystery, some poetry, an action adventure series, and some historical fiction.

I also share some thoughts about the murderous rampage which took place last week in Chattanooga, my adopted home town.

Here are he links for this week’s book selections:

God, Me, & a Cup of Tea, by Michele Huey

Grave Obsessions-Volume 1: Chiseled Heart, by Patti J. Smith

Here Among the Ruins, by Regina Puckett

Knighthawke, by Jerry Mincew

Knighthawke: Vanishing Shadows, by Jerry Minchew

Let Freedom Ring-Volume 1: The Sutler of Petersburg, by Joy Ross Davis

#20-41 Audiobooks in 41 Days #2

Get Caught ListeningLast week we started a celebration of the privilege I’ve had to voice 41 audiobooks over the last couple of years.  I’m continuing this celebration this week with the second installment of this series.  We look and listen to excerpts from seven more audiobooks presented in mostly alphabetical order.  Here are the links for this week’s books:

The Sixth Lobe, by Michael Miller

Born to Matter, by Michael Miller

Breaking Dawn, by Regina Puckett

Colony Zero, Volume 1-Contact, by Travis Perry, Mark Venturini, Mark Carver, Tracy Krauss, Shannon Laws, Grace Yee, and Lisa Godfrees

Concealed in My Heart, by Regina Puckett

Faith and the Law, by James Griffin

Fifth Wheel, Volume 1-Gracies Gift, by Michele Huey

#19-41 Audiobooks in 41 Days

Get Caught ListeningThis week we are celebrating the privilege that I’ve had to voice 41 audiobooks in the last couple of years. If you’ve followed my Facebook or Twitter feeds, you’ll have seen a title: 41 Audiobooks in 41 Days. Each day of the week, I’m featuring a different audiobook – presented largely in alphabetical order. (There are variations for books that are part of a series or a holiday happening. )

In this podcast, I play excerpts from the books which have been featured in the past few days. This is something we’ll do until the 41 Audiobooks in 41 Days ends sometime in August.  I hope you find something that will tickle your ears!!! Enjoy!

#16-Hear Now Festival, Impressions and Samples

Barbara-Rosenblat & George Taylor at the Hear Now Festival of 2015

Barbara-Rosenblat & George Taylor at the Hear Now Festival of 2015

We’ve just returned from a week away attending the Hear Now Festival in Kansas City, MO.  HEAR Now is the audio equivalent of a film festival for contemporary audio story-telling in all its forms: live and scripted solo performances, multi-voiced performance, classic radio drama, experimental narrative, and much more.  In this podcast, I share my impressions on the festival and share some samples from the participants in this festival.  (No, these samples don’t come from this festival, but from other sources.)

I mention several web-sites in this podcast.  For your convenience, here are the links you may want to peruse:

Hear Now Festival

Meta Book


Right Between the Ears

Marideth Sisco

Other sites you may wish to book at:

Firesign Theater (Legendary audio theater group)

Shots in the Night (Kansas City based radio theater)


#8-The Merger of Audio Books & Spiritual Ideas: Devotionals

A Mended Heart

A Mended Heart

God Me & A Cup of Tea cover

God Me & A Cup of Tea

I’ve said that this podcast is dedicated to “audiobooks, spiritual ideas, and other items of interest.”  Today, I start a series of three (I think) podcasts which will highlight the merger of audiobooks and spiritual ideas.  I have recorded two devotional books, A Mended Heart by Patti J. Smith and God, Me and a Cup of Tea by Michele Huey.  In this podcast, I talk about both books and play excerpts from them.