Tag Archives: novels

#85 – Sherlock Revisited, #2

A Study in Scarlett CD cover

After detouring to honor our veterans last week, I pick up this week’s podcast to continue our look at the first Sherlock Holmes novel, A Study in Scarlet.  This novel is divided into two parts.  In the first part, we learn who committed the crime.  In the second part, we find out why.  So, I play excerpts from my production of the second part of the novel from the amazing description of the western desert to the perpetrator’s tracking down his victims.  I think you’ll enjoy this look at an amazing writing.


  • A Study in Scarlet, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Narration by George on Facebook
  • Narration by George on Twitter
  • e-Mail Narration by George: george@narrationbygeorge.com

#84-For Our Veterans


Sgt. John Yell (back, right)

This Friday is Veteran’s Day.  So, I wanted to honor my fellow Vets with music and reading.  This podcast features a little about the job I used to do for the military, the Armed Forces Medley (all the themes of each of the services), some poetry from Regina Puckett, the story of Sgt. John Yell, the uncle of one of my authors, and the prologue from a book, Undeserved Favor, that will be out in the spring featuring the fictional Sgt. Frank Ballard.  I close with some scripture and commentary that are particularly appropriate for this post-election season.


#83: Sherlock Revisited, part 1

A Study in Scarlett CD coverWe take a listen to some excerpts from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s first Sherlock Holmes novel, A Study in Scarlet.  I play for you some excerpts from the first section of the book.  You’ll hear how Sherlock and Watson meet, how Sherlock makes the deductions he does, how he processes the crime scene, and his solution for this heinous crime.  This is all from my production of this book that is now available at a special price.  I invite you to take a listen!



#81-Avatars of Web-Surfer

avatars-of-web-surfer-cover-crop-smWe take a deeper look at the book which is currently in production here, Avatars of Web-Surfer.  I talk about some of the stories that are a part of the book and how they lend themselves to the theme of the book.  Plus you’ll hear an extended excerpt from the first Episode in the book.  Join me as we dive into some interesting science fiction with spiritual overtones.


#80-Next Up

Crying coverDo You Want to Play a GamePayback coverSlimmer Amazon cover

This week, I’m back with a look at the Four Spooky Offerings of 2016 for Halloween.  We look at Slimmer, Do You Want to Play a Game?, Payback, and Crying Through Plastic Eyes; all short stories written by Regina Puckett.  I play you samples from two of the books and share a little of the plot lines.  But you have to listen to the books to find the endings!

avatars-of-web-surfer-cover-crop-smThen it’s time to look forward to the next offering coming from Narration by George: Avatars of Web-Surfer.  This is a collaborative effort of four authors to bring a great Science Fiction idea to life.  I’ve got an audio sample of an early version of the book for you to sample.  And we talk about the Virtual Release Party for this new book.  Exciting stuff!




#78-The Pirated Podcast


Game CoverUh-oh!  This podcast was taken over by a pirate.  Captain Cleytus Pitcher IV captured the microphone and tied me up so that I couldn’t speak to you this week.  He still shared the new stuff that’s coming Payback coverAmazon coverto Narration by George.  So, that’s good.  There are two short horror tales by Regina Puckett – Do You Want to Play a Game? (just released today) and Payback.  And there is the new Science Fiction epic, Second Earth M-104 by Michael Miller.  (The Captain just doesn’t get Sci-Fi!)  In the end, I was able to get the police involved and now he’s spending the night in jail. But, he’s still on the look-out for his treasure!

#77-Coming Attractions

warren-amazon-coveravatars-of-web-surfer-cover-crop-sma-man-called-rat-amazon-coverAmazon coverIn today’s podcast, we’re looking forward.  If you’ve checked my Coming Attractions page, you’ll see that there are a number of books listed there.  Just what am I going to be working on in the coming months?  I seek to answer that question in this podcast with samples from three of the books asGame CoverPayback coverCrying coverwell as some comments about others.  There are romance stories, horror stories, a couple of sci-fi novels, and a steam punk offering.  Join me as we take a look at what will be available to you for download in the coming months.


#76-Other Worldly Tales #3

Knighthawke-NEW-WEB-ICONKNIGHTHAWKE--VS-NEW-WEB-ICOWe’ve been looking at tales where the setting is an “other worldly” one.  But, what if our main character is “other worldly” and set in our modern day world.  We take a look at such a character today known as “Knighthawke”.  Author Jerry Minchew created Knighthawke as the main character for the book bearing his name and the sequel, Knighthawke: Vanishing Shadows.  Michael is an ordinary young man with ordinary aspirations who is caught in an unbelievable set of events which make him over into an “other-worldly” character.  Take a listen to some samples in today’s podcast!

Links found in this podcast:

#75-Other Worldly Tales #2

Cover-AudioOur look into tales of other worlds – even just altered earths – continues today with an in-depth look at The Destined.  This is a tale of evil powers which arise every 700 years or so and threaten earth.  To counter this threat, others are imbued with gifts to fight this evil and set things right again.  This story tells the story of a High School Teacher and a few teens who have been imbued with this power.  The question is, will they know how to use it to save the planet from total annihilation.  It’s a such a fast moving action-adventure-other worldly tale that it’s hard to stop listening.



#73-Of Science & Science Fiction

Amazon coverI’m in the midst of narration and production of the latest science fiction novel by Michael Miller, Second Earth, M-104. This is the third in a series of books about an alien who wishes to destroy earth and the scientists who are battling to keep earth alive.  This battle takes a lot of technology – some of it “other worldly”.  Michael takes the time to share some of this technology with us and how he thinks it might work.

I share Michael Millera sample from the book as well as the author’s comments about writing in this genre and the research which goes into the writing of this exciting book.


Links mentioned in this podcast