Tag Archives: devotional

#99 – Spiritual Ideas: It’s About Power

Have you considered the power of God in your life?  Paul tells us that he wanted to experience that power.  We discuss that topic today in the wake of the exhibit of God’s greatest power – the resurrection of Jesus Christ.



#98 – Spiritual Ideas: Ephesians, part 3

We continue our examination of the book of Ephesians by reviewing the second chapter of the book.  Paul starts by reminding all of us where we have been and then reminding us of what God has done for us in Jesus.  That the God who is rich in mercy and love has given us who were dead, life.  And He did it “all on his own, with no help from us!”  Furthermore, he brings all of us together in Jesus Christ — the great uniter — to make us all part of the house of God.

We also take a look at an older release from Narration by George.  Seasons of Change features a protagonist who uses Godly principles to lead a people out of the danger of slavery to a life of freedom.


#97-Spiritual Ideas: Ephesians, part 2

We continue looking at the book of Ephesians by studying the second part of chapter one.  As Paul discusses the key to unlocking the spiritual blessing we talked about in the first study, we find that the key may not be a popular one.  In fact, it can be down-right unpopular — but necessary.  Are you willing to do the unpopular?

I also play an extended excerpt from a recently released audio book, The Swaddling Clothes by Amber Schamel.  This is great historical fiction tracing a history of God’s people from King David to the time of the birth of Christ, focusing on the Swaddling Clothes which ultimately covered the baby Jesus.


#86-Of Thanks and Thanksgiving


As we move into Thanksgiving week-end, I have some thoughts to share with you about the holiday.  You’ll hear some history.  I’ll share some ideas about being thankful as well as some scripture.  And you’ll hear some “thanksgiving” music.  I pray this podcast helps you think about being grateful and to whom to be grateful.



Headlines IconThis week, we’re stepping away from the world of audio books to look at the timeless word of spiritual ideas.  Let me start with a question: Are you afraid?  Do you look at the headlines or hear the stories on TV news and quake from fear?  How do you cope with that fear?

Some people want to spend a lot of time and money and effort in extreme preparation.  So, we have shows on TV, like “Doomsday Preppers” from National Geograhic.  “A show dedicated to ordinary Americans who are preparing for the end of the world as we know it.”  Some people may be paralyzed by fear.  Others may just put it out of their minds.

What should be a Christian’s response to the headlines and news stories we see and hear?  Should we be preppers?  Or hide from it?  Or ignore it?  Do we realize that fear is Satan’s greatest weapon among people of faith?

This week, I want to share a lesson from the preacher at my congregation, Clear Creek Church of Christ, as he discusses what God’s Word has to say about times like these.


#63 – The Violin Player and the Fearsome Powers

Anka Watt - By Bjørn Christian Tørrissen - Own work, GFDL, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3991230

Anka Watt – By Bjørn Christian Tørrissen – Own work, GFDL, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3991230


We explore some spiritual ideas on today’s podcast.  Randy Harris, a professor from Abilene Christian University, shares a powerful lesson from Colossians 2. He even references Anka Watt.  Why?  You’ll have to listen.

Here are some quotations which may entice you:

  • Jesus Christ has triumphed over all the powers of darkness. Why aren’t you living like that?
  • Become what you are.
  • You are set free from sin by Jesus Christ. He has conquered all the dark powers.  And we spend the rest of our lives learning to become  what He has declared us to be.
  • God loves you so much that He’s conquered the dark powers through Jesus Christ

Join me for some amazing and encouraging words!

#57-Podcast Re-Cast: Surviving Perilous Times

We continue looking back at prior podcasts – “re-casts” if you will – while I am moving and the studio is being rebuilt.  We go back to look at a spiritual episode from the past, this week.

Most of the time we read passages like Luke 21 in light of an end-of-times narrative.  However, I think that Jesus’ hearers – his disciples and apostles – would have heard this narrative in a different way.  Jesus was preparing his disciples with instructions for survival in perilous times.  In their day, Jerusalem was going to be destroyed, the church was to be scattered through persecution, and disciples would be killed.  How would they get through those times?

In many ways, our times are not so different.  There is persecution for believers in Jesus – some that leads to death.  Churches are in trouble for various reasons.  And times seem to be getting more difficult.  How to God’s children cope?

In this podcast, I go back to Jesus’ instructions for His first followers from Luke 21:5-36.  Let’s hear Jesus’ words as they might have heard them, not as an end-of-times narrative.  What do we learn of coping in perilous times?

#44-Upside Down Blessings

blessings copyThis week, we go back to the world of spiritual ideas to talk about “blessings.”  Each week, I end this podcast with an exhortation to “share you blessings with someone else.”  The question is, “What are our blessings?”  Are they the things we have?  The people we know?  The life we lead?  Jesus tells us about blessings and this lesson from my home church talks about those definitions in the context of Jesus’ birth.

Scriptures referenced in this lesson are:

#42-The Story of Christmas

birth-of-jesusIt’s two days before Christmas as I write this.  The season of giving, receiving, family, friends, fellowship, and food is upon us.  But, will we take time to remember the reason for this season?  Will we take time – individually and corporately – to celebrate, to contemplate, to remember the One who gave us the most important gift of all?  “This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son.  And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life.  God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was.  He came to help, to put the world right again.” (John 3:16, The Message)  This podcast celebrates this gift in words and music.  Enjoy!

Music heard in this podcast:

#40-Giveaways, Audiobooks, & Carols #2

Concealed in My Heart

Concealed in My Heart

Songs That I Whisper

Songs That I Whisper

Painted Sky-vol 1

The Wells Fargo Express Series – Volume 1 – The Desperate Road

Faith and the Law-Ambush

Faith and the Law-Ambush

Holiday Give-Away 2015

This week’s podcast looks at four books from two very different genres.  For the ladies, there is the sweet romance series by Regina Puckett, The Warren Family.  This features two books, Concealed in My Heart and Songs That I Whisper.  For the guys, there are two westerns.  From Remington Colt’s Wells Fargo Series, Murray Pura pens The Desperate Road.  James Griffin has written Faith and the Law: Ambush.  Both books feature great characters and exciting action.  You’ll hear samples from all these books as well as a look at a traditional Christmas Carol.  And don’t forget that my Holiday Give-Away is in full swing – right through New Year’s Day!

Music on this podcast:

Angels We Have Heard by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?collection=004&page=1 Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Canon and Variation by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/

Links for this podcast:

Concealed in My Heart by Regina Puckett

SongsThat I Whisper by Regina Puckett

The Desperate Road by Murray Pura

Faith and the Law: Ambush by James J. Griffin

Holiday Give-Away

Christmas Miracle by Donna Patton

Miracles: 32 True Stories by Joanie Hileman