Category Archives: Joseph Max Lewis

#39-Giveaways, Books, & Carols -1

Holiday Give-Away 2015


DOI #4-Cover smallIn this episode, we take a look at the Cyber-December that is being celebrated at Narration by George.  Not only am I making available a great short-story, a true-story-a-day-give-away, but I’m giving a book away every day in December.  Today I look at three possible books that might be of interest to you. Knighthawke and Knighthawke: Vanishing Shadows combine romance, action-adventure, and science fiction to tell the compelling story of Michael Weber.  Then, we look at some historical fiction with The Declaration of Independence Series: John Hancock. Finally, in the spirit of Christmas, the story of one of the most famous of all Christmas carols: Joy to the World.

Music credits:

Canon and Variation by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:
Joy To The World by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:
Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist:

Links referred to in this episode are:

Narration by George on Facebook

Narration by George on Twitter

A Christmas Miracle by Donna Patton

Miracles: 32 True Stories by Joanie Hileman

Knighthawke by Jerry Minchew

Knighthawke: Vanishing Shadows by Jerry Minchew

The Declaration of Independence Series: John Hancock by Joseph Max Lewis

#19-41 Audiobooks in 41 Days

Get Caught ListeningThis week we are celebrating the privilege that I’ve had to voice 41 audiobooks in the last couple of years. If you’ve followed my Facebook or Twitter feeds, you’ll have seen a title: 41 Audiobooks in 41 Days. Each day of the week, I’m featuring a different audiobook – presented largely in alphabetical order. (There are variations for books that are part of a series or a holiday happening. )

In this podcast, I play excerpts from the books which have been featured in the past few days. This is something we’ll do until the 41 Audiobooks in 41 Days ends sometime in August.  I hope you find something that will tickle your ears!!! Enjoy!