Rats, Pumpkins, and Other Rumors

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by Pamela Horner

Rats Pumpkins & Other Rumors cover

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You think you know the stories behind the fairy tales?  Think again. Rats, Pumpkins, and Other Rumors straightens out the misconceptions behind some of history’s most misunderstood characters. This hilarious short story will clear up the confusion surrounding Cinderella, Little Red Cap, and more!


A wonderfully, humorous take on well-known fairy tales. Pamela Horner’s witty writing style keeps the reader wanting more. –JG

Pamela Horner brings the characters to light in a humorous and entertaining way. –LR

Ms. Horner has a knack for the whimsical…. -JH

Coming from Helping Hands Press

Fairy Tales
Pamela Horner
Little Red Cap