Tag Archives: life story

#20-41 Audiobooks in 41 Days #2

Get Caught ListeningLast week we started a celebration of the privilege I’ve had to voice 41 audiobooks over the last couple of years.  I’m continuing this celebration this week with the second installment of this series.  We look and listen to excerpts from seven more audiobooks presented in mostly alphabetical order.  Here are the links for this week’s books:

The Sixth Lobe, by Michael Miller

Born to Matter, by Michael Miller

Breaking Dawn, by Regina Puckett

Colony Zero, Volume 1-Contact, by Travis Perry, Mark Venturini, Mark Carver, Tracy Krauss, Shannon Laws, Grace Yee, and Lisa Godfrees

Concealed in My Heart, by Regina Puckett

Faith and the Law, by James Griffin

Fifth Wheel, Volume 1-Gracies Gift, by Michele Huey