Tag Archives: Bible Study

#28-Surviving Perilous Times

jesus-teaching-in-templeMost of the time we read passages like Luke 21 in light of an end-of-times narrative.  However, I think that Jesus’ hearers – his disciples and apostles – would have heard this narrative in a different way.  Jesus was preparing his disciples with instructions for survival in perilous times.  In their day, Jerusalem was going to be destroyed, the church was to be scattered through persecution, and disciples would be killed.  How would they get through those times?

In many ways, our times are not so different.  There is persecution for believers in Jesus – some that leads to death.  Churches are in trouble for various reasons.  And times seem to be getting more difficult.  How to God’s children cope?

In this podcast, I go back to Jesus’ instructions for His first followers from Luke 21:5-36.  Let’s hear Jesus’ words as they might have heard them, not as an end-of-times narrative.  What do we learn of coping in perilous times?

#26-God Weeps

Photo by gt.Photos.

Photo by gt.Photos.

Did you know that God cries?  There are two specific incidents in the scriptures which have startling similarities.  I talk about those incidents and what they mean for you and especially for me as a Narrator of Audio Books!  Join me for a short journey into the scriptures for a unique insight.

Links to the Scriptures used in this podcast:

Luke 19:41-44

Jeremiah 2:9-11

John 12:36-43

#10-The Merger of Audiobooks & Spiritual Ideas: #3 “Non-Prophet Murders”

Non-Prophet Murders coverBecky WooleyMy friend, Becky Wooley, has written a murder mystery/clerical crime/satire called Non-Prophet Murders which is full of spiritual ideas.  While making you scratch your head trying to figure out “who-dun-it”, Becky challenges you to think about the Church and your beliefs and allows you to laugh, too.  How does she do it?  Well, you have to listen to the podcast to find out!!

#8-The Merger of Audio Books & Spiritual Ideas: Devotionals

A Mended Heart

A Mended Heart

God Me & A Cup of Tea cover

God Me & A Cup of Tea

I’ve said that this podcast is dedicated to “audiobooks, spiritual ideas, and other items of interest.”  Today, I start a series of three (I think) podcasts which will highlight the merger of audiobooks and spiritual ideas.  I have recorded two devotional books, A Mended Heart by Patti J. Smith and God, Me and a Cup of Tea by Michele Huey.  In this podcast, I talk about both books and play excerpts from them.

#6-Resurrection Power


Photo by gt.Photos.

The Apostle Paul writes, “I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead.” (Philippians 3:10).  As we approach the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, I offer some thoughts about how to “experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead.”  Pull out your Bibles and join with me as we explore this topic.  (Thanks to the Harding University Concert Choir for our closing to this podcast, “His Name Is Life.”)